DVD - Pornography, Love & Relationships
DVD - Pornography, Love & Relationships
2 Part video presentation including discussion questions for groups.
In this presentation, Paul Ninnes breaks open the challenge of pornography for young people and adults, how it affects a person's mind, body and soul and how it can profoundly harm relationships.
To deal with any problem we must first understand it. This may be the best presentation on the pandemic of porn will you see, all from a deeply personal perspective. Watching this presentation will give the viewer hope for freedom and the desire and strategies for the fulfilling love we are created for.
For use in groups, schools, churches and organisations please purchase the 'Educational Use' DVD resource or high-resolution direct download which includes a license to broadcast to groups.
Purchase this DVD for personal / home use.
“A great overview of the effects of porn and insightful in the way it looks at how it’s impacting us today. A must see...